Friday, April 27, 2012

Paul Bass

Untilted 1
                                             Saul Bass Born May 8th 1920, Died April 25th 1996

Paul Bass was very well known for his Graphic design work and furthermore for his film work. Bass worked with such directors as, Alfred Hitchcock, Otto Preminger and Martin Scorsese. For his graphic design he was best known for film posters, motion picture title sequences. Below are some of is very well known logo designs.

Bass, S. Untilted 2
                                     (original design by Saul Bass in 1959, 3D version unknown)

Quote from Saul Bass

“If I do my job well, the identity program will also clean up the image of the company, position it as being contemporary and keep it from ever looking dated.”

These are once again some of the many posters he created. They were known for boldness, structure and composition of the arrangement and how it reflects the meaning into graphics.

Untilted 1 and Bass, S. Untilted 2 [onine] availabe at:
(accessed on 25th April)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Neville Brody Graphic Designer:

Neville Brody is a British graphic designer and is considerd one of the best of his generation, also he is typographer, art director and brand strategist. The reason I picked Brody was simply because of the vast amount of type work he has done and the diversity of this. He went to london college of printing and made his way through the industry and caught a lot of viewers by his record cover designs and the involvement in the music scene the the early 1980's.
Another reason the diversity sticks out to me of his work is simply because how well his work is presented. furthermore the purpose of each design. Each design is different but reminds me a lot of Olly Moss's work due to the simplicity of it.
Some of the places Brody has worked for are city limits, lei, Per Lui, London's observer newspaper.

Below are some of 27 fonts he has created

Broody, N. Untitled fonts 

Each font of his is very different and can be used commericaly. Below are some other pieces of his work which out to me the most.

The reason I picked these four as my favourite designs of his is simply because of the complexity and strength of the image. I personally love his typographic faces as they are both different and makes myself want to make one.
As an overall designer and typographic designer I feel he is very strong and successful in what he does, he own created fonts are clean, concise however still not boring to look at. A lot of his work has helped me before for such parts as layout and colour contrastment and in the future will help alot.

Broody, N. Untitled fonts [onlne] available at:
(accessed on 24th Apil)

Issac Cordal.

Issac Cordal is a sculpturist from london, he caught my eye whilst trying to do my photography degree course of looking at a certain perspective of society today. His work is miniature street art and his figures are made out cement. His work is a lot similar to slinkachu however I feel Cordal's work gives off a stronger means and is adaptable.
Issac Cordal hasn't just done one series of his work but many all over the world. “Many will miss these miniature life scenes, but for those that do discover them, it brings a little intrigue to our fast-paced lives.” This was one of the main parts that made me realise what his work was about and how his figures enhance his type of work. 
His work is inspiring not just because it helped myself but mostly because it is a great and eye catching approach to messge sending. He has been making these cement since 2002 and first placed them in the street of a city called vigo in 2006.

Cordal, I. Untitled 1
Cordal, I. Untitled 2
Cordal, I. Untitled 3
Cordal, I. Untitled 4
Cordal, I. Untitled 5

 This is some of his work which he placed in a exibition together. It represents society today and how people are percieved today. In each photo it tells a unique story but works well as a collabration of artwork. 

Cordal, I. Untitled 5
 This is one of my favourite pieces just simply because of the message it convies. The image is simple but also I feel gives off many meanings, these could be feeling trapped with feelings  religious views and how it is pushed onto some people.

Cordal, I. Untitled 1, Cordal, I. Untitled 2, Cordal, I. Untitled 3, Cordal, I. Untitled 4 amd Cordal, I. Untitled 5 [online] available at:
(accessed on 24th April 2012)


Peter Saville:

Untitled 1

Peter Saville is a graphic designer  and has been working in the design industry for the last twenty five years and also worked in communications which affected art and design. Away from designing graphics he has also worked in the fashion industry.
Petter Saville is also the co-founder on a company called factory, below is some of his work. The reason I picked to show these pictures is because of I feel is work is different to others and represents what he wants in a mimalist way.

Saville, P. Untitled 2 (no date)
Saville, P. Untitled 3 (no date)
Saville, P. Untitled 4 (no date)

I feel these posters are very successful and personally make me see how layout and composition in important to get the meaning across. They are bold, creative, they explain the product and catch the viewers eye. A part that keeps me interested with his work is that he constanly thinks of new ideas with limited space to think about, meaning the product is the same but the design is constanly changing.

Untitled 1 [online] avaiable at:
(accessed on 22nd April)

Saville, P. Untitled 2 (no date) [online] available at:
(accessed on 22nd April)

 Saville, P. Untitled 3 (no date) [online] available at:,r:29,s:72,i:66&tx=41&ty=29
(accessed on 22nd April)

Saville, P. Untitled 4 (no date),r:8,s:0,i:153
(accessed on 22nd April)


Modernism is an art form that has many arguments and views involved within it. Modernism started in the early 19th century due to the wars that were going on. Art is a form of showing emotions and this is what modernism tried to convey and show the feelings of the population around. It was described as the experimentation of avant-garde trends. Due to this movement photographers and many artists such as Pablo Picasso tried to capture the emotions and thoughts of people, this to them was a new time of era of art and gave them inspiration.
Utopia did not succeed in these photos which was different to other conveyances of art as a lot of art was about what people wanted to see rather then the modern life itself.

                                               Andrew, W. Christina's World (1948)

The arguments that modernism involves is how modern art work today is not conveying the same message as it used to, It does not carry the same values or ornaments as it is ( vert reduced ) never ending. It has been described that utopia and illusions of what is true has become introduced more to modernism rather then realist views.

Andrew, W. Christina's World (1948) [online] avalable at:
(accessed on 24th April)

Banksy, Street artist:

Banksy, Untitled 1 (no date)

Banksy is a newish artist to myself but a very inspiring one in that time. Banksy is a street artist but has a twist to the whole story of his work.
Banksy's real image has never been found out 100% but instead his work speak for himself and personally I feel he creates art that represents society's views and what many people don't say. Many people have tried to find out who he is but in my opinion it creates a stronger image, art speaks for itself and the artist doesn't need to enhance this.

Untitled 2

This is the image the daily mail released trying to get information about banksy and hopefully trying to find out his image to what he looks like today. This was the only image the 'Mail' could find however information was given and questions were asked, the image below is what people think he looks like now but nothing is certain. 

  In the frame: The man in this photograph, taken in Jamaica four years ago, is believed to be Banksy
Untitled 3

Banksy, Untitled 2 (no date)

A lot of Banksy's work is what many people look past and how society is changing. In years before people that were gay were outcast however as society is changing it has been more accepted. I feel this piece of work enhances and is more noticed more then others because of him using police men and how they are meant to control society, however it contradicts their power and views being changed. 

Banksy, Untitled 3 (no date)
Banksy, Untitled 4 (no date)

A reason I chose this piece of work was because how opposite the two main objects are which is another reason I feel Banksy's work is so powerful and why it catches people's eyes.
I feel Banksy's work is different, diverse and subject the thoughts that many people think. The work enhances thoughts. Furthermore by not having his image revealed It keeps him interesting and is intriguing of how his thought process work.

Banksy, Untitled 1 (no date) [online] availbale at:,r:39,s:0,i:233&tx=69&ty=25
(accessed on 23rd April)

Untitled 2 and Untitled 3 [onine] avaiable at:
(accessed on 23rd April)

Banksy, Untitled 2 (no date) [onine] avaiable at:,r:38,s:0,i:231&tx=48&ty=89
(accessed on 23rd april)

Banksy, Untitled 3 (no date) [onine] avaiable at:,r:7,s:0,i:163&tx=104&ty=102
(accessed on 23rd april)

Banksy, Untitled 4 (no date) [onine] avaiable at:,r:29,s:0,i:212&tx=122&ty=94
(accessed on 23rd april)
Chris Keeney, Photographer:

Chris Keeney caught my eye a while ago and still creates outstanding photos, he takes part in wedding photography, corporate, studio and events such as music festivals, however, one part of his work as always caught my eye, pinhole photos. Using such methods as pinhole, medium format, colour film etc has always caught my eye because people are still using old methods and making them new.

Keeney, C. Untitled 1 (no date)

Keeney, C. Untitled 2 (no date)

Keeney, C. Untitled 3 (no date)

These are some examples of Keeney's work and how effective old methods are. I feel as a photographer but also a viewer on how old methods are just as appealing and effective as the new. Modern photography was made by the history before and it still creates the photography made now, it created the methods the thought and inventions.

If the essence of life is change, then I imagine its opposite--immutability--must be a form of death. I see my photography as both an affirmation of and reaction to the inexorable process of growth and decay, the wheel of life”

This was said by Keeney on his website, by him saying this I feel he tries to show how photography is like any other thing it grows and evolves into something new. This is why his work catches my eye because he still tries to keep the “death” alive.
Untitled 4 and 5

These diagrames are to show how a pin hole camera works. There are many different types of pinholes however each is set up the same and works the same. Each have a hole or lens on the front which lets in the light, the photo depends on how long the hole is open for. This is just like a modern lens and acts as a shutter speed. 

Keeney, C. Untitled 1 (no date), Keeney, C. Untitled 2 (no date) and Keeney, C. Untitled 3 (no date) [online] avalible at:
(Accessed on 24th of april).