Thursday, April 26, 2012


Modernism is an art form that has many arguments and views involved within it. Modernism started in the early 19th century due to the wars that were going on. Art is a form of showing emotions and this is what modernism tried to convey and show the feelings of the population around. It was described as the experimentation of avant-garde trends. Due to this movement photographers and many artists such as Pablo Picasso tried to capture the emotions and thoughts of people, this to them was a new time of era of art and gave them inspiration.
Utopia did not succeed in these photos which was different to other conveyances of art as a lot of art was about what people wanted to see rather then the modern life itself.

                                               Andrew, W. Christina's World (1948)

The arguments that modernism involves is how modern art work today is not conveying the same message as it used to, It does not carry the same values or ornaments as it is ( vert reduced ) never ending. It has been described that utopia and illusions of what is true has become introduced more to modernism rather then realist views.

Andrew, W. Christina's World (1948) [online] avalable at:
(accessed on 24th April)

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