Chris Keeney caught my eye a while ago
and still creates outstanding photos, he takes part in wedding
photography, corporate, studio and events such as music festivals,
however, one part of his work as always caught my eye, pinhole
photos. Using such methods as pinhole, medium format, colour film etc
has always caught my eye because people are still using old methods
and making them new.
Keeney, C. Untitled 3 (no date)
“If the essence of life is change,
then I imagine its opposite--immutability--must be a form of death. I
see my photography as both an affirmation of and reaction to the
inexorable process of growth and decay, the wheel of life”
This was said by
Keeney on his website, by him saying this I feel he tries to show how
photography is like any other thing it grows and evolves into
something new. This is why his work catches my eye because he still
tries to keep the “death” alive.
Untitled 4 and 5
These diagrames are to show how a pin hole camera works. There are many different types of pinholes however each is set up the same and works the same. Each have a hole or lens on the front which lets in the light, the photo depends on how long the hole is open for. This is just like a modern lens and acts as a shutter speed.
Keeney, C. Untitled 1 (no date), Keeney, C. Untitled 2 (no date) and Keeney, C. Untitled 3 (no date) [online] avalible at:
(Accessed on 24th of april).
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